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The Team

Who Are We

Meet The Staff

Founder & Artistic Director

Anuradha Nehru

Anuradha Nehru is the founder and artistic director of the Kalanidhi Dance School and Company.
Master Instructor

Jaikishore Mosalikanti

A brilliant artist, Jaikishore Mosalikanti has mastered every aspect of Kuchipudi and has earned a reputation as a formidable Kuchipudi exponent in India and US
Executive and Artistic Program Director

Daniel Phoenix Singh

Daniel Phoenix Singh has worked in Higher Education, the field of Dance, Queer Communities, South Asian Communities, and in Arts practice, policy, and funding a
Managing Director

Lavanya Thamire

A beloved teacher, she has touched the lives of hundreds of students.
Assistant Artistic Director

Pragnya Thamire

Pragnya loves dance because it makes her feel extremely powerful.

Our Mission & Vision

Inspire appreciation for Kuchipudi dance through artistic excellence, creative performances, high-quality educational programs and collaborations.

Our Board Members

Board Member

Anisha Abraham

Board member

Rajiv Dewan


Jaya Durvasula

Board Member

David P. Good

Board Member

Luis Guardia

Board Chair

Dr. Sarah Degnan Kambou

Vice Chair

Alka Khanna

Board Member

Nanda Srikantaiah