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General Support

Our donors make every aspect of our dance possible. From the lights, costumes, and music to our ability to nurture new work through workshops and residencies.

Donate today and help play a role in the engagement of countless young people through our highly effective educational programming. In appreciation for their support, we offer donors a number of exclusive benefits. Take a look at the benefits listed below and consider donating today. Join the tradition!

Thank you for your support

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Acknowledgement in Program brochures at all Kalanidhi events
Acknowledgement in Program brochures at all Kalanidhi events
25% premium ticket discount for Kalanidhi's company performances
Acknowledgement in Program brochures at all Kalanidhi events
2 Premium tickets for Kalanidhi Dance Company’s Fall Production
Invitation to the pre-performance Wine & Cheese Reception at the Fall production
Acknowledgement in Program brochures at all Kalanidhi events
Invitation to Kalanidhi’s open rehearsal prior to the staging of the Fall production
3 Premium tickets for Kalanidhi Dance Company’s Fall Production
Invitation to the pre-performance Wine & Cheese Reception at the Fall production
General Support
Multiple Levels
Donate Today